Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long will a Title IX investigation last?
  2. Can I have people accompany me to meetings/help me during this process? 
  3. What does preponderance of the evidence mean in regards to a Title IX investigation? 
  4. I'm beginning to complete my sanctions as it relates to the outcome of an investigation. How do I reenroll in UCSC, and what's next?
  5. My hearing is coming up, and I have not met with RSS throughout my investigation. Can I still recieve support?
  6.  How can I receive accomodations through the Title IX process?
  7. What is an alternative resolution?
  8. How can I prepare for a meeting with RSS?
  9. I am a faculty member engaging in the Title IX process. What resources are available
  10. What is an interim measure? 



  1. An investigation can last as long as over 90 days, but Title IX investigators typically complete the investigative portion (interviews, evidence review) within 60 days. Investigations could take longer depending on the number of witnesses, administrative concerns, etc. 
  2. Yes, both parties are allowed to have an Advisor and a Support Person present. To learn more about this, click here
  3. Preponderance of the evidence is the standard utilized by Title IX officials to determine if a policy violation occured. This means that it is more likely than not a violation occured. This standard is lower than that used in a court of law, which is "clear and convincing."
  4.  If you are planning on returning to UCSC, it is strongly encouraged you contact the RSSC to discuss how to apply for readmission, as well as to plan and work through any challenges you may face in navigating your return. 
  5. Yes. RSS is avaliable to students throughout their experience in an investigation and adjudication. You do not need to have worked with RSS for the entirety of your investigation to recieve support, and you can reach out at any time. 
  6. If you are already working with the Disability Resource Center (DRC), inform your Title IX investigator that you would like to request accomodations be used. Title IX and the DRC will coordinate your needs and recieve your approval of accomodations. 
  7. An alternative resolution is another way students can engage in the Title IX process. Unlike an investigation, Alternative Resolutions aim to create a conversation with both parties about the harm causes and how to rectify the situation. For all Alternative Resolution to take place, both parties must participate and the incident would not meet the standards of high concern for the safety of the UCSC community. For more information on an AR, please visit
  8. For your first meeting with RSS, you should send all documentation you have recieved throughout your investigation to the RSS Coordinator. This documentation should include your Notice of Investigation, any letters you have recieved from Title IX, and any relevant information to your case. Respondent Support Services does not share the provided documentation with other parties.
  9. Respondent Support Services does not directly engage with faculty as we only serve student respondents. However, faculty are encouraged to correspond with their Human Resources representative. You may also visit the Respondent Services for Academic Employees page. 
  10. An interim measure supports both parties so they can have the protections needed to engage in the Title IX process. Interim measures could include some parties being relocated if they live in a shared housing space/building, or No COntact Directives (NCD).